Our Company is the Best in the World for Automations and all Services. It was estabilised in Italy in the 1960 as a CRG Construction company, from the Casadei Rossi Family and as moved in the Early 2000 to a Turn Key company. Today we are one of the major realiable company in Italy for the services and solutions MADE IN ITALY guaranteed 100%.
Who we are & what we do
System Integrator
One of our best aim is the integration of different system to give one only solution for the easy access in the Systems controls
Water Automation
One of our main solution regards to water pumping, cleaning and sewage treatment in all the water features sectors
Development and Design delivery of all he projects regarding electrical drawings, mechanicals drawings, HVC etc…
SCADA programming and sampling, PLC programming and FAT, IEC 11-61132, Codesys(R) programming, Isagraf(R) programming, Progea Movicon Programming, BMS developing and programming, etc,,,
A showcase of our projects and works
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Expertise, Experience, Know-How, for you…
Check Out Our Services!
Technology requires knowledge and expertise more than it requires money.
Here you have all the services, production and products that you can find in our company
Fair prices. Excellent service.
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Highly qualified specialists

Roberto Casadei Rossi
Co-Founder. Engineer.
E: info@rcrsolution.com
T: +39 0543488138
Call us if you want know more about us…

Mario Rossi
Co-Founder. Programmer.
E: info@rcrsolution.com
T: +390543488138
Call us if you want know more about us…

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